Sustainability in a dental office may seem like an afterthought, but it's not at our office. We take numerous steps in making sure that what can be recycled gets recycled. We also look to only buy sustainable goods as long as they meet or exceed our standards for your care.
Of course, certain things cannot be directly recycled, like documents that must be shredded for HIPPA privacy purposes, but we still try to get the shredded results recycled if possible.
We have also chosen to use sustainably sourced materials and furniture for our front office. We believe that sustainability involves both the materials and the quality of the goods those materials are used in. A rug that lasts a week, but comes from recycled goods is not nearly as sustainable as a rug that lasts a decade and is made from wool.
So, we're all on this planet together and we're doing our part to make it a greener place!