Why Our Extraction Process is Better
Unfortunately, there comes a time when the extraction of a tooth becomes necessary. A tooth extraction that most people are familiar with are their wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth often cause problems as they try to protrude through the gums. When a wisdom tooth is impacted, it means the tooth is coming in at an angle and not straight through the gum line. This can cause pain, the tooth can come in unevenly, or the tooth may only emerge partially.
Other teeth need to be extracted because they are infected, which will cause an abscess. This infection must be dealt with in order to reduce the risk of the infection growing or spreading.
An important part of the extraction process is the complete removal of the periodontal ligament and the lining of the tooth socket bone. The purpose of this removal is to prevent a piece of tissue from causing incomplete healing of the bone and leaving a hole ("cavitation"). Dr. Amelia follows the Huggins protocol for proper extractions to minimize the risk of this occurring. In addition, Dr. Amelia utilizes dental ozone to treat the site and reduce the risk of dry socket and minimize the need for post-operative antibiotics and their side-effects.
The Swiss Biohealth Clinic Extraction Protocol
In addition, we have begun using the exciting new Swiss Bio Health Extraction Technique. This involves using the healing properties and materials from the patients own body to encourage self healing. Platelet Rich Fibrinogen (PRF): these are plasma components extracted from the patients blood which are rich in growth factors and fibrin. During the extraction process, granules of the patients own bone is harvested, mixed with the PRF, and placed at the extraction site. The patient is also placed on a supplement protocol to enhance healing. In most all cases, the results we have seen from this technique are amazing. See more at: https://www.swiss-biohealth.com.
Platelet rich fibrin (PRF) is a fibrin matrix in which platelet cytokines, growth factors, and cells are trapped and may be released after a certain time and that can serve as a resorbable membrane. Choukroun and his associates were among the pioneers for using PRF protocol in oral and maxillofacial surgery to improve bone healing in implant dentistry. Autologous PRF is considered to be a healing biomaterial, and presently, studies have shown its application in various disciplines of dentistry. J Conserv Dent. 2013 Jul-Aug; 16(4): 284–293. doi: [10.4103/0972-0707.114344] PMCID: PMC3740636 PMID: 23956527
We also implement our ozone therapy to the socket where the bad bacteria have gathered. The ozone therapy helps eliminate as much bacteria as possible so the site is as clean as it can be before the healing begins.
You can expect for the extraction site to bleed for a little while after the surgery. Gauze will be applied at the completion of the surgery, and you will need to change it when it becomes soaked. If bleeding continues for longer than 24 hours you should call the doctor. Rest when you return home, but do not lie flat. This could prolong the bleeding. Prop your head up on a pillow when lying down. Your doctor will prescribe you pain medication, so if you become sore take as directed. You can also use an ice pack for the pain. Your doctor might also provide you with a cleaning solution to clean the extraction site.
You will be limited to soft foods for a few days after your surgery. Some recommended foods are:
gelatin, pudding, yogurt, mashed potatoes, ice cream, thin soups.
When drinking, make sure you do not use a straw. The sucking motion can loosen your sutures and slow the clotting process. The same goes for smoking. If you have prolonged pain, bleeding, irritation, or don't feel that the extraction site is healing properly call your dentist for a follow up.
Issues with Root Canals
Root canals are a way of preserving the tooth for future use. However, this tooth is now dead and can pose many problems. Since the tooth is dead, a person may have considerable infection or decay and feel no pain. In addition, the dead tooth can become an incubator for toxic anaerobic bacteria that has the potential to spread throughout the bloodstream causing other serious medical conditions. The Toxic Element Research Foundation (TERF), using state of the art DNA testing technology, identified multiple pathological bacteria found within root canal teeth, the bone adjacent to the teeth, and even more in extraction sites where healing has not taken place. (TERF, 2010). Here are some of the bacteria found by clinical tests conducted by both TERF and other independent laboratories:
Acinetobacter baumanii – linked to Pneumonia and Periodontal disease
Gemella morbillorum – linked to invasive endocarditis, Meningitis & Arthritis
Klebsiella – linked to pneumonia Lung infections, infections of the Urinary Tract, biliary tract & Osteomyelitis & Meningitis
Porphyromonas gingivalis – Protein metabolism, Biofilms, leads to Bone destruction and Premature labor
Pseudomonas aeruginosa – linked to Central Nervous System disorders, Endocarditis, Brain abscesses & increase in liver enzymes, Prosthetic heart valve invasion
Streptococcus mitis – found in Strep Throat, Scarlet fever and linked to heart failure –
Rhumatic fever - known to affect the heart, nerves, kidneys, brain, and sinus cavities.
Capnocytophaga ochraceavi – known to affect the heart, nerves, kidneys, brain, and sinus cavities.
Fusobacterium nucleatum vii – known to affect the heart, nerves, kidneys, brain, and sinus cavities.
Leptotrichiabuccalis – known to affect the heart, nerves, kidneys, brain, and sinus cavities.
Porphyromonas gingivalis ix – known to affect the heart, nerves, kidneys, brain, and sinus cavities.
Veillonella parvula – pathology associated with heart disease and destruction of the Central Nervous System.
Candida albicans – as it changes from yeast to the fungal state, it becomes invasive, causing small holes to occur in the intestinal tract resulting in „leaky gut syndrome?. Also increases porphyrin excretion in urine leading to reduced ATP and heme formation, thus reducing overall energy to cells of the nervous system.
Capnocytophaga ochracea – can cause frontal lobe brain abscesses – associated with dental infections and diseases of the Central Nervous System
Porphyromas gingivalis – alters the integrity of endothelium of blood vessels. Enhances atherosclerosis.
Actinomyces naeslundii –associated with draining sinuses (generally clear up within a week of root canals and cavitation treatment)
Candida albicans –associated with ALS
Capnocytophaga ochracea –frontal lobe brain abscesses of dental origin – microbe thought to originate in dental decay.
Gemella morbillorum –associated with meningitis.
Neisseria meningitides –associated with seizures.
Escherichia coli –and Staph aureus –are both capable of increasing porphyrins, which will cause less ATP to be available to neural tissues.
Streptococcus intermedius –Cervical spinal cord abscesses –associated with high mortality and neurologic morbidity.
Dr. Weston Price, back in 1910, was the first Dentist to make the connection between root canals, the bacteria that inhabits them, and the health issues that occur accordingly. https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/dentistry/root-canal-dangers/